Archive for the ‘THINK’ Category


In A Rush (Blackstreet cover duet with Bagus Wijayanto on Smule)

At some points of our life, we face the tendency of loving someone without knowing the reasons why. It happens so quickly —in a rush— that sometimes we cannot tell why it does.

Several months after we’d got together*, my ex asked me,

“Why do you love me?”

Panicking and not knowing what to answer (because of course I didn’t want to answer incorrectly), I replied,

“Because you’re you.”

My ex wasn’t very content with the answer and I could see disappointment in the air. I assumed it felt like the answer was just my shitty blabbering and lacking of truth.

Come to think of it again, I didn’t know what the most proper answer to that question was, because the love I felt was beyond words and beyond reasons (at least it did feel that way). No exact word could explain best. And hey, I came unprepared for that kind of question.

At the moment, I thought,

“Here we are, loving each other, enjoying each other’s companion, expecting nothing but happiness. If it weren’t you, I wouldn’t be sure that I could love someone that way. It’s you, the love per se.”

Does love really need the best explainable reason(s) to be there?

Maybe the right question is not ‘why?’; maybe it’s…


(Picture was taken from here)

*) We broke up due to reasons after spending almost two years together.